Betrifft: Faire Computer 3/2014

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Die Kolumne “Betrifft: Faire Computer” erscheint regelmäßig in der FIfF-Kommunikation. Es geht kurz und knapp um die News (die meist auch schon getwittert wurden unter @FaireComputer) in Sachen Faire IT / Elektronik des letzten Vierteljahres. Diese Ausgabe berichtet von Mitte Mai bis Mitte August 2014 und ist in der FIfF-Kommunikation 3/2014 erschienen. Auch frühere Ausgaben findet ihr hier im Blog.


A carcinogenic career at Samsung


Park Min-suk in Berlin, May 2014

People in their thirties and early forties usually have a broad range of topics to talk about: spouses, kids, work, etc. But when Mrs Park Min-suk (41) gets a phone call from old friends, it is often about her friends getting cancer. Park herself was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012. It was those phone calls that made Park suspect their common work place as the cause of the diseases. She used to work in wafer fabrication cleanrooms of Samsung Semiconductor for more than 7 years. Of the 18 collegues of her shift, 7 were diagnosed with cancer and reproductive diseases. We met her in Berlin, together with Dr. Kong Jeong-ok from SHARPS who helped with the translation.
